The weirdo steroid-abusing and alleged tranny-fucking grifter Mike Cernovich is shilling a 2024 Ron DeSantis run for the President. He says that the outcome of this fraudulent 2022 midterm election proves that Donald Trump is not a viable presidential candidate and that DeSantis is a better choice.

Some of his tweets are just ridiculous.

Yeah, when he was around in 2015 he was on steroids and shilling weird pickup artistry. He also wrote some gay self-help book.

He grifted from that into supporting Donald Trump which he used to establish a social media presence. He’s been allowed to stay on Twitter because he never crossed any serious lines with anything.

He even compared this fake election to the fake election of 2020 to bolster his strange argument.

He said all sorts of other dumb bullshit which I’m not going to bother getting into. The big takeaway is that he is claiming that this election was totally legitimate and that there was no fraud.

This was obviously not the case. There is zero reason to believe that these election results are legitimate.

Does he really think that the brain damaged retard John Fetterman actually won the Pennsylvania Senate race with legitimate votes? That race in of itself proves that there was fraud. That’s just one example but one of the most glaring ones.

This whole election and democracy system is a hoax. You can’t use the results of a fake election system to argue anything.

Trump is by the far the best candidate to run in 2024. It doesn’t even matter if he can win or not. We all know this alleged rules-based democracy system is a fraud. He lost in 2020 because of fraud. He’s just much more of a disruptive force than DeSantis. That’s why despite Trump’s many flaws, it is far more logical for him to be the guy in 2024. Trump will at least talk about fraudulent elections and he did not disavow Ye even after he went Death Con 3 on Jewish people. Plus, it will just be more entertaining and funny if he runs.

DeSantis is your standard politician. He’s done some good things in Florida and I’m fine with him continuing to run Florida, but he just needs to let Trump do his thing in 2024.

Besides, the Jew Ben Shapiro is pushing the DeSantis 2024 stuff as are a bunch of other Jew establishment shills.

If you find yourself agreeing with a Jew and an alleged tranny-fucker like Cernovich, you might want to reconsider your position. I also think Cernovich is Jewish, so there’s that too, but even if he’s not, he’s still shilling a Jewish agenda. That much is obvious.