The evil Zionist kike Michael Rapaport recently flew over to the fake Jewish country of Israel so he could post bullshit pro-Israel videos on social media.

Take in point this video where he rambles on about there being no Christmas in Gaza. The video has endless jump cuts and it is very possible that he was high on drugs when he recorded this nonsense.

I’m not the only one who made this observation.

The deranged Jew was also in Tel Aviv bragging about how the city has sex shops for LGBTQ faggots. Somehow he thinks this makes the city superior to Gaza which doesn’t have faggot sex shops.

Here he is threatening anybody who criticizes Jews and the genocide they’re doing in Gaza.

Fun fact about Rapaport. He as a Jew played the role of a college student who became a Nazi and went insane in the 1990s movie Higher Learning. His acting was cartoonish and retarded. Watch these clips if you don’t believe me.

Rapaport is a perfect example of why the Jews are the most demonic and fucked up race on the planet.

There can be no two state solution with these Jews. The only solution to this problem is a one state solution called Palestine and Jews like Rapaport being collectively dealt with in a manner fitting their behavior.