It appears as if the Jewish media was planning on making these leaked calls of Melania Trump talking with former friend and assistant Stephanie Winston Wolkoff the big story of the day. The news of Donald Trump and Melania herself testing positive for coronavirus obviously changed that. But this is still a story worth commenting on considering how scummy her former friend was to do this.

CNN has been going nuts about it and even interviewed Wolkoff about her recordings.

Melania was on the calls swearing about Christmas decorations which has been spun into this stupid narrative about how she somehow hates Christmas or whatever. What she was really doing was expressing frustration about how people were focused on her Christmas decorating instead of other more important things. Some of her comments about children who were being trafficked by coyotes have also been taken out of context.

If anything, the leaked calls make me like Melania even more. It shows that she’s a real person who has a feisty Slavic attitude.

Her former friend is a real piece of shit though. The fact that she recorded her private calls with Melania is bad enough, but to leak them to the media is just a really scummy thing to do. The bitch Wolkoff is an opportunist who saw an opportunity to draw attention to herself by recording her private interactions with Melania and writing a dumb book about them.

The ugly skank looks like a really ugly horse with a fucked up nose. She is no doubt jealous of Melania who I would say is one of the most attractive 50-year-old women anywhere on the planet right now.