Emmanuel Macron keeps reiterating his desire to see NATO forces deployed in the Ukraine.

These statements are utterly ridiculous.

Macron is basically rehashing the talking points we’ve seen out of Washington DC and the false Jewish media claim that Vladimir Putin is preparing to invade Europe. This is obvious nonsense and there is zero proof of this. It’s just fantasy talk equivalent to a child believing that there’s a boogieman hiding in his closet.

Putin has no desire to invade Europe. Why the hell would he want to waste all sorts of manpower and resources on such an adventure? Especially when Europe is deindustrializing and self-destructing on its own. He and the rest of the Russian people just want to be left alone. Putin actually did everything he could to avoid the Ukraine war but he was ultimately forced into it in order to defend the security interests of Russia. It’s assholes like Macron and other ZOG people who are pushing for war.