The peasants are getting upset. Check out some of the posts on the /r/covidvaccinated subreddit. I can’t independently confirm this, but reportedly the posts shown below have been deleted by mods.

The subreddit is filled with posts from people who are experiencing all sorts of health problems from the vaxx.

These people thought they were heroes for taking the vaxx and called us conspiracy theorists and covidiots for trying to tell them that these shots were dangerous. Now many of these people are getting sick while being told that the vaxx did not protect them from this allegedly deadly virus.

So who are the real covidiiots now?

These people chose to take experimental shots for something that almost everybody easily survives because people in the government and media lied to them about an alleged pandemic. They did this even though there is zero evidence of a deadly virus, deadly pandemic etc..

Unfortunately for these people, they will have to live with the consequences of being stupid.