The woman responsible for the Libs of Tiktok Twitter account was just doxed by Taylor Lorenz a writer for the Washington Post. The Washington Post is a blog known for spreading disinformation and lies that is owned by the billionaire Jeff Bezos. It is a site that exists among the darkest corners of the Internet.

Lorenz seemed very happy about exposing the woman responsible for the account.

What’s incredible about this story is that Lorenz was on MSNBC just a few weeks ago crying about how people were mean to her on the Internet.

So Lorenz can dish it out but she can’t take it. She cries about people being mean to her on the Internet, but thinks it is perfectly fine to expose a person operating a Twitter account who has political views she disagrees with. What she did was far worse than people randomly emailing her mean words. It’s not even debatable.

She is obviously a very sick person which is probably why she was able to land a job at the Washington Post. But if we are to be totally honest here, you have to be a sick person to even want to write for such a shit blog site.

What Lorenz did here was not journalism of any sort. It was targeted harassment and terrorism. She writes on behalf of a powerful billionaire yet acts as if exposing the person behind a random Twitter account is a matter of public interest. This is not someone who broke any laws or did anything bad. They just ran a social media account that reposted videos of people uploading videos of themselves acting like idiots and retards. The only reason you would do something like this is if you had an intent to shut them down and get crazy people to threaten them and their family.

Stories like these are why people are advocating hangings and executions for people who work in the corporate media. They are evil agents who prop up a horribly corrupt and rotten system while terrorizing anybody who is against it. Lorenz is just another example.