A leaked document from the Supreme Court indicates that the court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade. Apparently the document was leaked to some Jew reporter for Politico.

The Supreme Court has confirmed that the document is authentic.

Needless to say there are all sorts of Democrats, Jews and random sluts going totally insane over this. It is very possible that this document was leaked purposefully to energize the left and to shift focus from the Ukraine war which people have stopped caring about. This is just speculation though.

Over turning Roe v. Wade while the proper decision, would not totally ban abortion though. It would just return the abortion issue back to the states. So what will happen is that you’ll have a number of red states that ban the practice and a number of blue states that will allow the baby murders to continue.

I’ve been offline for the past 24 hours so I’m just catching up on this story and others. But the hysterics that I’ve seen so far from this news has been hilarious. Imagine freaking out like this simply because it could potentially be harder for women to murder their children.