I had meant to cover this story a few weeks back but I was dealing with kikes trying to ddos my blog off the Internet.

I was glad to see that Anglin picked up on it today. And as someone who frequently works out in the gym, I 100 percent agree with his analysis.

When I was at the gym, one of the televisions had on ABC’s Good Morning America and they were running a segment about actor Kumail Nanjiani’s amazing body transformation. They presented the piece as if his body transformation was 100 percent natural and the result of hard work in the gym along with some fantastic program put together by a personal trainer.

This is all bullshit. His new body is the result of steroids or some type of assorted drug cocktail. And while I’m sure he did work out, that is only part of the story.

The fact that the Jewish media is claiming that this is some type of natural transformation is insane. It is most definitely not and stories like this are only meant to demoralize men who are trying to improve themselves.

Nanjiani should be honest and admit that steroids played a key role in helping him get his new body. The same goes for all these other male actors who have undergone these rapid body transformations.