Kevin McCarthy has now lost 11 straight votes.

As far as I’m concerned, all these people enthusiastically supporting McCarthy for the House Speaker position are enemies.

McCarthy is just the worst of all RINO shills. All you have to do is look at what he’s supported throughout his political career. There’s really no difference between him and Democrats except for him having an “R” next to his name.

He’s been a big shill for the Ukraine war, supported homosexual marriage and has regularly worked with Democrats to screw over the American people in favor of the ZOG swamp.

Basically everybody on Fox News except for Tucker Carlson is shilling for McCarthy as are fake conservative Jews like Mark Levin.

It will be interesting to see how this circus plays out. McCarthy is apparently trying to strike some sort of deal with the 20 or so Republicans who are refusing to support him. I’m not really sure what he can actually offer of value, but even after losing 11 straight times he still thinks he can make a deal.

It is possible that someone like Jim Jordan will eventually be put forth as a “consensus” candidate even though I don’t think he’s really much better than McCarthy.

The best outcome would be if Donald Trump were made House Speaker. He should rescind his stupid endorsement of McCarthy and endorse himself, which he sort of has done already.