Kanye West has made more news by posting text messages between himself and rapper Diddy aka Puff Daddy on his Instagram page. He called Diddy a fed and said that he was a stooge of Jews sent to stop him from speaking his mind.

I’m enjoying the chaos. West has almost 18 million Instagram followers. As Ben Bloch rightly pointed out, the accurate assertions of Jewish power and influence being described to millions of people is definitely awesome.

He also posted a photo of himself with the Jewish CEO of Meta Mark Zuckerberg. He was basically saying that there’s no way Zuck could ban him from Instagram because he used to be his nigga.

Also, the second part of the interview he did with Tucker Carlson aired last night. Here’s a portion of it.

I guess he thinks he’s going to be President of the United States some day.

I find this whole situation very funny. West only became famous because Jews allowed him to be famous and now that he’s veered off the reservation, Jews have been trying to figure out how to deal with him.

I don’t know what West’s motivations are for doing all of this and I don’t really care. Even if this is part of some scheme to market his brand, that’s fine. I have no issue with him making money if he is doing so while exposing this evil Jewish system.