When I said at the start of the year that Joe Biden would say increasingly dumb things, I was not kidding. Every day he is saying dumber and dumber things.

He just said that he got to the Senate 180 years ago.

180 years ago was 1840. Joe Biden was not born yet so it is simply not possible for him to have first got to the Senate in 1840. The only way this would make sense would be if he used a time travel machine but Biden made no reference of using a time travel machine in his speech.

The fact of the matter is that this old man can’t even read off of a teleprompter without saying weird and crazy things.

The hilarious thing is that Biden is scheduled to debate the orange man a few days from now. I have no idea how his handlers are going to try and get him through this, but this series of debates could be one of the most bizarrely funny things to ever happen in the history of American politics.