The Jewish faggot Zelensky put out a statement saying that he fully backs Israel.

Zelensky is Jewish so his support of Israel on this issue is not really a surprise.

What’s interesting about this is that Israel never really supported Zelensky or the Ukraine war against Russia. You would almost think that Zelensky would take a more neutral stance because of this. You would also think that he wouldn’t want to highlight what’s happening in Israel as it potentially means less resources for the Ukraine.

Of course, Zelensky is just a puppet of the United States and the Jews who control the US government. He was likely instructed to put out this statement. It’s not as if the Jews have had any success taking on Russia, so the situation in Israel is now a much more pressing concern for them.

Maybe the events in Israel will make ZOG back off on the Ukraine war project? Hard to say really. These Jews who run things are not very competent or rational actors.