The Jewish Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is claiming that the United States is not losing control of inflation.

She is saying that inflation will be back to 2 percent by the end of 2022.

The ability of Jews to flat out lie to people is truly amazing. They’ve already lost control of inflation. There is nothing that can be done to undo the damage. We are headed for a collapse one way or another. Of course, that’s not going to stop Jews like Yellen from lying about it.

Gazillions of dollars have been created out of thin air on computers meaning that the value of the existing dollars in circulation have been drastically devalued. This problem has been aggravated with the mask mandates, vaxx requirements etc.. that are reducing available labor used to produce goods and services. The only thing that can happen in this environment is for prices to go up which is what we are seeing.

Even Jack Dorsey who is a thought censoring shill has said that we are in the middle of a hyperinflationary collapse.

But that’s fine, you don’t have to listen to me. I’m just some person writing blog posts on the Internet. Go ahead and believe the lies that this Jewish yenta is spewing.