The alleged “right-wing Jew” Laura Loomer is claiming that she protested Twitter for the people.

This is historical revisionism. Loomer only began protesting Twitter and the other big tech companies after they banned her. She had little to say about censorship before that when other people were blacklisted. She even actively worked to get right-wing Discord channels banned in 2017 because she didn’t like what the people on those channels were saying about Jews. As I’ve said before, she only opposed cancel culture after she became a victim of it.

Her entire campaign against Twitter and the other social media companies was her claiming that they were anti-Semitic and banned her because she was Jewish. Just look at the above photo taken from one of her protests. She had a big sign saying that Twitter hated Jews because they banned her.

I also remember her having a total mental breakdown when she was on with Alex Jones crying about how her life was ruined for being banned off of social media.

The point being is that she protested censorship for entirely selfish purposes, but now she claims she did it for the people? It’s just utter and total bullshit from her.