Jared Moskowitz the Jew Congressman pictured above is demanding Elon Musk stop people from disliking Jews on Twitter. He is very upset that people are telling him that they dislike his Jewish behavior.

The Hill:

Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.) penned a letter to Twitter CEO Elon Musk on Thursday asking how he plans to combat the rise of antisemitism on the social media platform after the congressman was the target of a barrage of antisemitic comments this week.

Mowkositz, who is Jewish, said his official Twitter account received “hundreds of hateful, divisive comments” after he posted a video clip of himself pointing out the spread of antisemitism on the platform during a congressional hearing the day before.

“After the Committee hearing, I posted on my official government Twitter account a video of myself pointing out the rise of antisemitism found on Twitter. Once the video was posted, the reply section of my post was flooded with hateful, antisemitic comments and images,” Moskowitz wrote. “At the time that I am writing this letter, I have received over 200 such comments on one tweet.”

“With this direct and heightened environment in mind, how will you work with other stakeholders to combat the rise of antisemitism on Twitter?” he added.

What a faggot.

If this Jew doesn’t want people hating on him he should stop behaving in ways that make people hate him. Instead, he whines to the CEO of a tech company demanding that he do more to censor people who don’t like him for his behavior.

This is just going to make people hate Jews even more, so I hope he continues engaging in this behavior. It is only going to expose how his race is evil and how Adolf Hitler was correct about the Jews.