JD Vance is allegedly one of the more “based” politicians in Congress and even he has gone out of his way to praise Israel. He put out this ridiculous tweet claiming that Israel is an important ally and that he hopes to visit in the near future.

How is Israel an important ally? Please explain this to me because I don’t understand how one could possibly draw this conclusion.

The Israelis offer nothing of value to Americans. In fact, they are a major detriment for a variety of reasons. They are hated around much of the world and this alliance with them is not to our benefit.

Israel and by its extension any and all Jews are an enemy that has successfully subverted the American political system. They have regularly engaged in espionage and spying activities against the United States. They have also been directly and indirectly involved in all sorts of attacks against the US. Take in point the USS Liberty incident and the 9/11 attacks.