Blacks are going absolutely ape shit in South Africa right now. The former President Jacob Zuma was put in prison for corruption and this sparked off a powder keg that was already waiting to go off. The economy in South Africa has been destroyed because of the coronavirus hoax and subsequent lockdowns so this was a great excuse for everyone to go crazy.

The mainstream press is talking about food shortages as a result of what is going on in the country.

Some of this footage is insane. It is total lawlessness.

Even the police are participating in the looting lol.

Property owners are literally shooting at rioting niggers and there are gun battles in the streets.

The military has been deployed.

Blacks are on Twitter blaming inequality even though blacks were put in charge of the country thanks to Jewish communists decades ago. They’re blaming apartheid and White land ownership for everything that’s going on.

These blacks don’t know their own history. South Africa was built by European colonizers in a section of Africa that was not inhabited by any blacks. The blacks came in later.

The only solution to this chaos is to put Whites back in charge of the country, but that will not be allowed to happen unless it is somehow done by violent force.

This is a preview of what we could soon see in America. You better be getting prepared.