The price of almost everything you can think of is going up everywhere around the world. At this rate, you’ll have to bring wheelbarrows full of cash to pay for things like was done in Germany during the 1920s.

Inflation according to official numbers is up 4.5 percent in Germany.

Of course, all these official numbers drastically understate the real inflation.

The European Central Bank’s President Christine Lagarde after doing some “soul searching”, admitted that inflation is going to last longer than originally expected.

You didn’t have to do “soul searching” to know that this rising inflation was not a temporary phenomenon. It was obvious to me that this was going to be a major issue when the virus hoax and lockdowns were rolled out. You can’t close down the global economy for over a year and reopen it like it is some type of light switch. It doesn’t work that way.

Food and energy prices are going up everywhere.

This system is in the process of collapsing. Make sure you have gold, silver and cryptos and other physical real assets outside of the normal banking system. They are life rafts you can use to protect yourself as everything implodes.