This study referenced by the fake news assholes at the Toronto Sun is an absolute hoax. Unvaxxed drivers are not more likely to cause car accidents.

The opposite is true.

After the rollout of the deadly fake vaccine injections, I have witnessed a huge increase in weird things happening on the road. In the past several months, I’ve personally had someone rear end my truck when I was at a dead stop. I also just witnessed a car crash live as it happened with parts of the car exploding into my lane. I’ve also seen several people drive down the wrong way of the street, run through lights and other bizarre driving behaviors.

The fact that these things are happening after the rollout of the deadly injections is not a coincidence. Just as it is not a coincidence that people are dropping dead all over the place after taking the shots. I firmly believe that these shots are doing something to people’s brains.

So yeah this study is bullshit. It is the vaxxed who are more likely to be causing car wrecks.