I just wanted to wish a happy Easter to everyone who reads the site.

I will however not wish a happy Easter to the Jews because they wrongly killed Jesus Christ. Many Jews lie or obfuscate the fact that they killed Jesus. This is why I wish them a fun trip to the pits of hell where they belong.

The least the Jews could do is admit that they were wrong for conspiring to kill Jesus and apologize. After all, they demand us to apologize for our ancestors allegedly being involved in things like slavery, the Holocaust and other Jewish hoaxes. Therefore, it is perfectly reasonable for them to apologize for this. They should also be forced to pay reparations to Christians for the pain and suffering their actions have caused. They have said themselves that the trauma and pain of the fake Holocaust gets passed down to generations so why is this any different? Instead of doing any of these things, they mock Christianity and insult Christians even 2,000 years after his death.

The ugly Jew cunt Sarah Silverman once said that she would kill Jesus again if she could. This was highlighted by the fine people at the Gentile News Network.

The Jewish White House is deliberately provoking Christians by highlighting how the previously proclaimed “Transgender Day of Visibility” falls on this year’s Easter holiday. They are deliberately provoking Christians by pushing this.

Even Jewish fake “conservative” people are defending the White House on this tranny Easter shit. Take in point the Jew Ashley St. Clair.

People like her prove that there is no such thing as a Jewish “conservative”. The Jewish hate for Christians is difficult for Jews to contain. They literally believe that they are a master race even though they are the most dysgenic inbred group of demons in the world.

Easter is just a yearly reminder for the Jews that they will be burning in hell when they are dead. Not just for their role in killing Jesus, but for their role in polluting the world with all sorts of evil. It’s no wonder why they have such contempt and hatred towards this holiday.