Reportedly half of US companies are getting ready to fire significant numbers of people.

I’ve already seen the mass firings begin. There are people all over LinkedIn talking about how they were let go and are looking for new positions.

A recent example is Wayfair which just cut about 5 percent of their workforce.

We have a situation where these organizations are starting to buckle and they can no longer economically sustain themselves. The virus hoax combined with the sanctions on Russia, endless money printing and other stupid policies have caused all sorts of horrible economic problems. I’ve never seen the economy in such a weird state and I’m not sure there really is any other situation you can compare it with.

If you have a job with a corporation just know that these organizations do not give a single shit about you. They will fire you and not think twice about it. It doesn’t matter what title or position you hold. It can all be done in a second.