Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai said that their AI tool which refused to produce images of WHITE people is “completely unacceptable.” He said that they got it wrong!

It was literally producing images showing The Founding Fathers of America as gooks and niggers. It was also producing Third Reich nigger soldiers and other absurdities.

They didn’t just get it wrong like it was some sort of accident. This was purposeful and deliberate. No logical AI system would start race-swapping WHITES like this unless it was designed to do so.

He’s obviously on a damage control mission. They went too far with this weird WHITE-hating agenda and are now paying the price for it.

We must remember that Google is owned by Alphabet which is a Jewish company. Google itself was founded by the Jews Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Jews are hellbent on erasing WHITES from history. That’s why they’ve pushed to remove statues of Confederate heroes etc.. They’re doing the same thing in the digital realm and this is just one of the more obvious examples of this happening.

Whatever the case, this fiasco has been a major public relations disaster for Google and its parent company. Alphabet lost $70 billion in market capitalization the other day and this whole situation has created a much larger distrust of Google-related products.