Because of the coronavirus, Germany is going to give many more millions of dollars in aid to Jews who falsely claim Adolf Hitler tried to jerk them off to death in fake shower room gas chambers.


The German government on Wednesday agreed to pay $664 million in aid to victims of the Holocaust as they deal with the economic hardships of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Claims Conference, an organization that negotiates such payouts from the German government to survivors, said talks will result in “significant” increases in compensation.

About 240,000 survivors of the Holocaust living around the world will receive the payments over the next two years. Most live in Israel, North America, the former Soviet Union and Western Europe.

“These increased benefits achieved by the hard work of our negotiation’s delegation during these unprecedented times, will help our efforts to ensure dignity and stability in survivors’ final years,” said Gideon Taylor, president of the Claims Conference.

The Holocaust hoax has been nothing but a Jewish extortion racket. Even roughly 80 years after these events allegedly happened, the racket continues in a variety of different forms. The whole thing is sick.

You would think that the economic collapse that has been caused by these lockdowns would make the German government consider ending these stupid extortion payments. But Germany being an occupied nation that is under the control of Jews I guess makes this a difficult proposition.