Georgia has gone ahead with a partial reopening of their economy.


With the U.S. coronavirus death toll topping 51,000 and nearly one in six workers out of a job, Georgia, Oklahoma and several other states took tentative steps at reopening businesses on Friday, despite disapproval from President Donald Trump and medical experts.

Fitness clubs, hair salons, tattoo parlors and some other workplaces were allowed to open their doors by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, disregarding warnings from public health officials that easing restrictions too soon could lead to more infections and deaths.

The Jewish media has been hysterical about this partial reopening and have been claiming that huge numbers of people are going to die because of this.

CNN interviewed some nigger pastor in Atlanta who claimed that reopening the economy was going to cause mass nigger death.

And then you have this kike on Twitter promoting Jewish propaganda from The New York Times saying that Georgia isn’t ready to reopen.

There are countless examples of this type of nonsense being pushed in the Jewish media.

What’s probably going to happen next is that they’re going to find a single case of some baby or child allegedly dying of the coronavirus in the state. They will focus in on this single case and use emotionally charged rhetoric to blame it on the economy reopening. It’s pretty much guaranteed that they’re going to do this.

It is a popular method they have previously used to justify wars.

Take for example the Jewish hoax claiming that Iraqi soldiers were throwing Kuwaiti babies out of incubators.

Or how about the more recent Syria baby-gassing hoax?

It’s all so stupid.

For anybody who is so afraid of this alleged doomsday virus, there is nothing stopping them from keeping themselves locked inside their homes for all of eternity. To tell other people that they can’t work or live their lives as they see fit because they are personally afraid of death is the height of absurdity.