I just wanted to thank everyone again for reading the site and all the continued support. Traffic to the site has continued to increase. The Jew tunnel story and all the genocide shit Israel is doing has created an explosive awakening to the Jewish problem across the world. People really want to know what these Jews are doing and what can be done to stop them.

My general assumption is that people like what they are reading otherwise traffic would not be going up. My intention is to continue sharing my unfiltered thoughts about the Jews and other current events for as long as I am able to do so. As you all know, the world is becoming increasingly chaotic so nothing is guaranteed.

I said at the beginning of the year that there’d be some changes and maintenance happening on the site. I had intended to do some of this stuff earlier, but the news cycle went crazy and the Jew tunnels thing happened. Suffice to say, I got a bit distracted.

With that said, there will be some maintenance happening that will impact traffic to the forum section of the website tomorrow. I’m not anticipating the outage to be very long but if you see that the forum is down, it is likely that this is the result of me rediverting some of the traffic flow. Additional maintenance and changes will follow but this is going to depend on the ebbs and flows of the news cycle which is quite insane at the moment. I am still planning on replacing the forum with something better but no concrete decision has been made yet.

Also be sure to support The Krypto Report and the work Azzmador is doing. The streams he has been doing on topics like the Jew tunnels, J6 and other pertinent topics are of critical importance.

Subscribe to his Rumble channel.

I’ll be continuing to feature links to TKR’s livestreams on the front page when they happen. The show has unfortunately been shadow banned by Rumble so my plan is to do everything possible to drive listenership to the show. Especially on any future livestreams that I guest appear on.

Finally, if you find the work I’m doing to be useful. Please consider donating some crypto. Here are the addresses.





That’s all for now.

Thank you again for your patronage.