I’ve said for awhile now that Fox News is a far worse media operation than the likes of CNN or MSNBC. That’s because for years, Fox News has pretended to be a network representing “conservative” views. In truth, they are anything but “conservative.”

Outside of Tucker Carlson, there is very little that is “conservative” about it. The network has always been in favor of endless Jewish wars and you have “conservative” hosts like Sean Hannity who think interviewing a man dressed up as a woman represents true conservatism.

The network is a disaster. I’m actually shocked that Tucker has been allowed to stay on as long as he has.

With that said, it did not surprise me in the least that they got behind the crazy propaganda claiming that Russia blew up their own Nord Stream pipelines. Russia spent huge amounts of time and money to construct these pipes. It has been a major revenue generating asset for them. Yet despite that, they want us to believe that they blew up this major investment for all sorts of nonsensical reasons.

They recently had this dumb bitch named Rebekah Koffler on for an interview. This is someone who has been directly linked to intelligence circles. She proudly admits on her Twitter page that she’s former DIA/CIA.

She was peddling all sorts of nonsense to try and explain why Russia would blow up their own pipes. She was even allowed to write an op-ed pushing this same rubbish that was published on the Fox News website.

As Darren Beattie pointed out, the piece she wrote is total garbage. It’s just low level anti-Russian propaganda being marketed at the American people.

Decades ago, the intelligence agencies secretly installed their people inside of news agencies. Now the media just openly invites their people on as guests.

This Koffler appearance was just as bad if not worse than John Brennan’s recent appearance on CNN where he pushed the same lies.

The good news is that nobody is buying this propaganda. I looked at the comments of the YouTube video containing Koffler’s interview and I could not find a single comment agreeing with the premise that Russia blew up their own pipes. Almost everyone who posted a comment was either blaming the United States government for sabotaging the pipes or calling out the media as the lying propagandists that they are.

Here’s a sampling.

On top of the Koffler interview fiasco you have Jennifer Griffin who is allegedly supposed to be a more hard news type of person repeating the same narrative. She actually tweeted that there is no evidence that the United States blew up the Nord Stream pipes simply because the Pentagon told her so.

Regurgitating what someone says and claiming it is a fact is not journalism. This is propaganda.

Fox News is a joke of a media operation. I hope the network collapses. Tucker could just do his show on Rumble or some other alternative video sharing site and he’d still get sizable audiences.