Fox News decided they wanted to fire Tucker Carlson who was their top rated show host for a number dubious reasons. Now they are threatening Carlson with legal action claiming he breached his contract for uploading videos of his political commentary to Twitter.

Fox News is just making themselves look even dumber by doing this. They’re basically claiming that Carlson is violating the non-compete clause in his contract for posting videos on social media. It’s very petty.

It is going to be tough for them to prove that this is a violation of the contract. Twitter isn’t a direct competitor to Fox News. Maybe a competitor indirectly, but they aren’t a cable news network.

Carlson doesn’t seem to care about the legal threats and released a new video any way.

Here are the first two videos he’s put out in case you haven’t seen them.

I obviously have a number of issues with many of the things Carlson has been pushing. Namely the UFO hoax, his support for homosexual marriage among other things. However, it is interesting to see how Fox News is going to fairly significant lengths to shut his Twitter show down. There’s a number of people who do not want him doing any sort of political commentary in the lead up to the 2024 election. You can draw your own conclusions as to why that is.

The first two uploads of his Twitter show have been quite popular.

What the Carlson story shows is that there has been a significant shift in how Americans consume media. Cable news is just not a relevant or interesting medium to anybody under the age of 65.

All that aside, I still think there are many questions about Carlson. Maybe if he starts talking about Jews on his Twitter show I’ll reconsider my position on him.