The FBI was ordered by a court to stop extracting data from James O’Keefe’s phone that they seized during a raid of his home. They raided him and other Project Veritas people over an alleged diary said to belong to Joe Biden’s daughter. It appears as if the FBI may have provided the diary to Project Veritas as a news tip to later justify a future raid.

The FBI responded to the court order by leaking the contents of O’Keefe’s phone to the New York Times.

This is obviously highly corrupt behavior.

The FBI is nothing more than a political weapon controlled by the Democrat Party. I’m tired of hearing about how the rank and file of the FBI are good people and it is just the management that’s bad. If you still work for this evil organization after all that has happened, you are just as guilty as the people at the top. The rank and file continue to follow and implement all of these unethical orders and I don’t see anybody from the FBI blowing the whistle on any of it.

If there’s any good news it is that the people within the FBI are getting increasingly more sloppy and incompetent. The hoaxes they are doing are becoming more and more ridiculous and it is only further eroding their credibility. They are becoming a bigger and bigger joke by the day.