The regime media is openly stating that the recent COP26 climate hoax summit had double the carbon emissions as their 2019 summit.

As this guy said, these conferences have nothing to do with the environment. It is about using a fake environmental problem to control people.

Some have said that there were large diesel generators at the summit hidden behind black screens.

The AP is claiming that these backup generators were powered by vegetable oil.

If that were the case, why were they hidden behind black screens? I would think they would want people to see how they were using alternative sources of fuel. It doesn’t make sense that they would try to hide them.

Whatever the case, if these people actually believed that this climate gibberish was a real problem, they wouldn’t be holding these elaborate summits. They’d be doing them over a Zoom call to limit their carbon footprint.

Everything about this weather hoax is about population control. They want to control you based upon your carbon footprint using QR codes and weird technologies.