When I saw news that the FBI had arrested a number of men involved in a plot to kidnap the cunt governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer, I just assumed that it was some type of weird entrapment scheme.

Turns out I was right.

Even mainstream political websites are saying this.

Big League Politics:

Instead of actually investigating Russia-gate players for the biggest political scandal in U.S. history, the FBI is busy staging fake terror plots to entrap and ensnare unsuspecting militia activists.

According to the court affidavit, six individuals in Michigan considered conducting a citizens’ arrest on Governor Gretchen Whitmer for her intolerable actions against the constitution to wreck the economy and shut down the state illegally. The deep state spooks are attempting to paint these actions as some sort of terrorist plot.

“Several members talked about murdering ‘tyrants’ or ‘taking’ a sitting governor,” an FBI agent wrote in the affidavit. “The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message.”

“The group talked about creating a society that followed the U.S. Bill of Rights and where they could be self-sufficient,” an FBI agent wrote about the motives of the men whose lives the feds intend to destroy to help Democrats.

It’s also being reported that these people were loosely connected to the Boogaloo movement.

The Boogaloo movement seems to be a fake honeypot movement setup by the FBI itself. It is a weird right-wing militia/anarchist movement that operatives have marketed by spamming dumb memes on 4Chan and other message boards. But what this movement ultimately stands for is highly confusing. Point blank, there doesn’t appear to be anything organic about it.

People like Michael Tracey are even saying that this was an entrapment scheme by the FBI.

Tracey is also correct about the FBI’s history of entrapping people in fake terror plots.

During the war on terror years, the FBI was doing this same type of thing to Moslems and random retarded people. In fact, you could easily make the argument that the FBI didn’t thwart a single real terror plot. They were just giving gullible people ideas to do terrorism and when they decided to go along with whatever plot they suggested, the FBI would arrest them and proclaim what great work they did.

Whitmer not surprisingly blamed Donald Trump for this alleged kidnapping plot against her.

If she were being honest she would be blaming the FBI, but she’s not honest. She is a dishonest bitch who shut down the entire state of Michigan over the flu hoax. In fact, her own retarded actions against the people of Michigan is the only reason why anybody would even consider such a plot in the first place.

The timing of this whole thing is also highly suspicious considering we are only weeks away from the 2020 election. Especially since the FBI played a significant role in the Russia hoax conspiracy.

The FBI needs to be abolished. They have no legitimacy and are openly acting against the interests of the American people.