There is now open talk about sending in NATO forces into the Ukraine. The one time head of NATO Anders Rasmussen has been making public comments about this possibility.


Former NATO Secretary-General Anders Rasmussen has claimed that some member states could volunteer to send soldiers to Ukraine, if the country is not offered security assurances on a wide range of issues at an upcoming summit.

Rasmussen, who serves as an adviser to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and worked with his predecessor, Pyotr Poroshenko, said Kiev should be given written guarantees before NATO leaders meet in Vilnius, Lithuania next month, including for Western intelligence-sharing, weapons transfers and joint military training.

“If NATO cannot agree on a clear path forward for Ukraine, there is a clear possibility that some countries individually might take action,” he said on Wednesday, according to The Guardian.

The phrase “coalition of the willing” is even being thrown around again like it was back in the early 2000s with the Iraq War. Such a coalition would theoretically be led by the Poles who seem to be one of the few countries that has expressed real interest in doing war against Russia. Outside of that, there is very little enthusiasm for this insanity among NATO countries.

There is simply no way for the Ukraine to win this war. Outside of launching nukes, the West only has two options. They have to force their Jew puppet Zelensky to negotiate a peace with Russia or they actively deploy NATO troops into the theater.

A NATO troop deployment may result in China stepping up their support for Russia up to and including sending their own soldiers. Such a situation would basically mean a third world war.

It is hard to say what is ultimately going to happen with this because the Jews running things in Washington DC are both incompetent and insane. They have totally mismanaged the global empire they took over and they have no coherent strategy to sustain it. Everything they have done has backfired and undermined their geopolitical power.