Elon Musk just told companies that try to blackmail him with their advertising that they can go fuck themselves. The exact quote was “go fuck yourself.”

I fully support him telling these companies to go fuck themselves. It is a great message. Most of these companies are run by Jews and they definitely should fuck themselves.

I just wish he told the Israelis to go fuck themselves also. Especially since they are murdering children and committing a genocide. He did not seem interested in doing that for whatever reason. He wasn’t interested in visiting Gaza either and instead chose to socialize with baby murdering Jews.

His explanation for not visiting Gaza was quite weak.

I also wish he would provide true free speech on Twitter. He still has not done that. It is obviously better than what it was under the previous regime, but it is not true free speech and I was promised true free speech.

Elon keeps sitting on the fence with this shit. He can’t sit on the fence. He has to pick a side. If I were advising him, I would strongly suggest not siding with the Christ-killing Jews.