Even though Jews were the primary group of people responsible for destroying and sabotaging his presidency, Donald Trump is continuing his bizarre shilling for Israel.

To his credit, he was able to avoid starting any new wars for Israel during his presidency. But considering everything that has happened with the election and the fact that Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu was one of the first world leaders to recognize Joe Biden as the President of the United States, this type of shilling makes no sense.

Netanyahu was very happy to have Biden in the presidency because he knew it would make it easier for him to do war. He knew that Biden would also be more likely to support new American wars in the Middle East to benefit Israel because of all the Jews that surround and direct him.

Between this strange statement and Trump taking credit for all these weird coronavirus shots, he is making statements that are not helpful and run contrary to what a large percentage of his supporters are interested in.

Sure, a good amount of his supporters might be pro-Israel because they are brainwashed Christian Zionists of some kind, but I would argue that a majority of his supporters don’t give a shit about Israel and are against any new conflicts.