Charles Johnson who used to work with the Jew Ben Shapiro at Breitbart has said that Shapiro is an Israeli intelligence asset. He said that he personally witnessed Shapiro receive instructions from Israeli intelligence people close to Benjamin Netanyahu.

Most people who are aware of the Jewish problem already assumed this about Shapiro. It’s become even more apparent this past week. This statement from Johnson just further cements this assumption as fact.

Shapiro has been pushing some of the most rabid and insane Zionist talking points imaginable. His social media feeds are filled with all sorts of Israeli propaganda and lies meant to fool Americans into supporting Israel in their war efforts. This includes the fake dead Jew baby photo he posted which has caused great damage and credibility to his brand.

He’s behaving in a totally unhinged manner. Take in point this clip of him crying about how Tucker Carlson is not 100 percent behind his warped Zionist world view.

Everybody working at Shapiro’s Daily Wire operation are basically working on behalf of Israel. All of their major personalities including Jordan Peterson are 100 percent behind Israel.