Remember the cunt who said that she wanted to stab people who said “All Lives Matter” yesterday? Well, people didn’t take kindly to it. They found out where she worked and complained about her. She has ultimately been fired from her job.

She posted video on social media crying about how her life has been ruined.

She also blamed Donald Trump supporters for her problems.

Stupid bitch. The only person you have to blame is yourself. You put yourself in this position by wanting to stab people for merely saying that “All Lives Matter.” When you tell a large group of people that you want them stabbed, that generally does not yield a positive result.

On top of that, there’s lots of people tired of this cancel culture bullshit and will strike back at people pushing cancel culture. For every leftist that’s been fired from their job for comments they’ve made on social media, there have been hundreds if not thousands of normal people who have been fired for alleged racism etc..

We need to get more leftists fired from their jobs since they have taken so much joy in ruining the lives of countless numbers of normal people.