So a court has finally ruled that the National Security Agency’s practice of collecting the phone records of Americans was illegal and unconstitutional.

The idea that bulk collecting this type of data would be useful in stopping terrorism has always been a bunch of bullshit. Stopping terrorism was just an excuse for the NSA to conduct this unconstitutional data collection.

And even though it is great that the court made the correct ruling, it is unfortunately mostly meaningless in 2020. Collecting phone records in many respects is an outdated practice since so much communication happens over the Internet now. There’s much more useful information on social media sites about people than anything the NSA will find from people’s phone records.

You could say this is a victory for privacy rights, but it is a hollow victory. Especially considering the state the country is in. I’m more concerned about getting attacked and killed by out of control niggers who falsely think that White people are trying to genocide them. Same goes for people who are hungry and have no food to eat because the government chose to collapse the whole economy to stop the flu from spreading.

The NSA’s unconstitutional and illegal practices while an important topic for sure is a much lower priority item at the moment.