The unconstitutional, illegal and unethical domestic spy program has been renewed by the US House of treasonous Zionist cocksucking assholes.


The US House of Representatives has voted to renew a surveillance act that allows the government to spy on American citizens without a warrant. Pro-Trump Republicans blocked an earlier version of the act, but were persuaded to lift their veto by House Speaker Mike Johnson.

The House voted 273-147 on Friday to fund Section 702 of the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Drafted in 2008, Section 702 legalized a formerly clandestine program, granting US intelligence agencies the power to monitor internet and phone communications from abroad made through American networks like Google.

Ostensibly designed to target foreigners, the program also ‘indirectly’ collects data from millions of American citizens, which can then be accessed without a court warrant. According to data released in 2022, the FBI used this program to probe the electronic data of nearly 3.4 million Americans in 2021.

What else can I say about this?

It’s just business as usual from this corrupt regime. It doesn’t matter what party is in the majority. The same tyrannical insanity continues as we plunge deeper into an abyss. Nothing ever changes.

At this point, I really don’t give a fuck if these niggers are spying on me or not. I passed the point of no return like 15 years ago. I want them to know that I think they’re a bunch of evil criminal Zionist niggers.

If they want to waste their limited government resources spying on me because I’m calling out all the evil they’re engaged in than so be it. I literally can’t be blackmailed or coerced in any way shape or form. Any potentially embarrassing sex materials they would normally use to blackmail a lesser person I’ve already fully admitted to in my public writings and I am not even embarrassed about any of it. I am also willing to die for my beliefs if necessary.