Conservative Incorporated along with large portions of the Republican Party are backing Bruce Jenner’s run for California governor. In case you weren’t aware, Bruce Jenner was an Olympic athlete in the 1970s who came out as a tranny and is now calling himself “Caitlyn.”

Jenner was interviewed by Sean Hannity recently. It was quite the spectacle watching a so-called “conservative” like Hannity interview a man dressed up as a woman.

Many “conservatives” thought the interview was great. Take Kayleigh McEanny for example.

This once again shows what a joke the entire “conservative” establishment is. They are now willing to accept fully trannyism as a normal part of society and are willing to back a tranny political candidate for office. This comes after they pretty much folded on blocking the whole homosexual/faggot agenda.

These people are not going to solve any of our problems. They are a joke.