The Gateway Pundit has posted new video taken from a drone of the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.

The footage is interesting as it pretty much confirms everything I have said about that event. I was there and witnessed all sorts of insane things that did not conform to the false narrative promoted by the Jew media. They have maintained that right-wingers were responsible for all the violence which is totally false. Right-wingers showed up to attend a permitted protest objecting to the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue. We were attacked by violent communists. That’s what really happened.

The new video shows how police did little to nothing to prevent the communists and anti-fascists from attacking us.

It shows how police forced right-wing protesters out of the park myself included, into the violent anti-fascists.

It also reveals how James Fields who was given 419 years in prison for that famous minor traffic accident, could not have possibly known that he was turning onto a street where he’d be attacked by violent anti-fascist rioters.

I’ve maintained from the start, that the vast majority of the violence was from the communist side. Nobody on their side was ever held accountable for anything. They were allowed to freely operate in the streets even after police declared a state of emergency.

There have however been numerous prosecutions against people on the right-wing for all sorts of trivial things. People who were defending themselves against being attacked were charged with crimes.

The Gateway Pundit has said that they have even more never before seen footage of the event which they plan to share. I’m sure it will all confirm everything I’ve said about this event over the past four years.

The Charlottesville narrative pushed by the Jewish media is just another big lie in a series of big lies.