The Zionists are literally digging up graveyards and desecrating dead bodies in Gaza. This is not one isolated incident either. They’ve deliberately done this to numerous cemeteries. These acts have been so disgusting that even the Jews at CNN felt compelled to do a report on them.

Unfortunately, these grotesque acts have been known about for awhile. There’s all sorts of clips online showing specifically what the Zionist terrorists have been doing to these cemeteries.

These are just more war crimes on top of unending amounts of other war crimes the Zionists have committed.

Speaking of graveyards, the events that are going on in Gaza could very well be the graveyard for this retarded Jewish rules-based order system. Any system be it “rules-based” or not that allows such atrocities to happen is a totally unviable and morally bankrupt system. It proves that the so-called “rules” are only a suggestion and mean nothing. The ZOG people in Washington DC have lost all credibility and moral standing with their unwavering support of Israel and these horrific war crimes.