One of the stories that the kike-run media really went nuts with over the past week or so has been Christianity Today publishing an op-ed by Mark Galli calling for Donald Trump’s removal from office. They went crazy about it because here you have a supposedly right-wing evangelical Christian publication demanding Trump’s impeachment.

Christianity Today was originally founded by Billy Graham back in the 1950s, but has clearly gone astray from its original mission. Billy’s son Franklin Graham who apparently has no influence over the magazine, has come out and condemned the op-ed stating that his father voted for Trump in 2016 prior to his passing.

Galli appeared on Face the Nation and CNN to defend his op-ed.

Nothing he said in these interviews make any sense.

All I saw was a fat man rambling on about nonsensical bullshit. He might as well have just said that he wants Trump impeached because he thinks he is a bad orange individual.

This clown and the people who now operate Christianity Today are fake Christians who have been corrupted by the devil. If they were real Christians they would be calling out Jews for killing Jesus Christ instead of appearing on Jewish propaganda shows demanding political figures be impeached over Jewish hoaxes.