China has correctly declared that the billionaire Jew George Soros is a terrorist.

Soros is absolutely a terrorist. He has financed all sorts of subversive groups around the world that are used to overthrow governments so Jew-run democracies can be installed. He’s financed groups like BLM, antifa and others. He most likely was involved in helping finance the recent riots in Hong Kong.

Soros has also been making public statements attacking BlackRock for investing in China, seeing their investments as undermining his political agenda.

I am very pleased to see China call out Soros as a terrorist. Hopefully this will wake up some people on the right to understand that our problem is not with China, it is with Jews like Soros who influence and control institutions in the West.

China is not an enemy. They do not desire war. They have merely taken economic advantage of a situation that was caused by Jews who have subverted Western countries.

Quite frankly, the Jews totally miscalculated with China. They thought they could bring China into their global system and use them as the world’s manufacturing hub. This assumption has back fired spectacularly as Xi Jinping has rejected bringing China into the Jewish system of gay anus.

So now the Jews have a situation where China controls this powerful manufacturing and economic engine, while they desperately try to maintain political control over Western countries whose economies they have purposefully destroyed.

Soros doesn’t seem to have a solution on how to fix this, so he’s just flailing around writing op-eds about how it is evil to invest in China because they have an authoritarian government. A stupid argument considering China is currently a more free society than what we see in the Jew-controlled West.

The next big move by these Jews is for them to blame China for the coronavirus or blame them for some bullshit with Taiwan. They will then claim we have to do a big war against them over these things. Such a war will fail for a number of very obvious reasons, but they may try to do it any way.