Charlie Kirk posted a tweet showing video of a White kid on a school bus getting attacked by a group of niggers because he wore a MAGA hat. He was obviously targeted by these niggers because of his race and his support of Donald Trump.

But Kirk blamed the nigger violence on the “left.”

No Charlie, this is just the general behavior of niggers. Maybe you should go to Camden, New Jersey or any other place in America that has lots of these niggers and you can see for yourself how they really behave. You obviously haven’t been exposed to real nigger behavior and believe that all blacks are like Bryant Gumbel or some shit.

This child was almost beaten to death by these niggers.

Lots of people are telling Charlie that it wasn’t the “left” responsible for this incident. It was a racially motivated anti-White attack on a White child by a bunch of savage niggers.

Tell the truth Charlie you spineless faggot.