Saturday, May 18, 2024

Remainder of Collapsed Florida Building to be Blown Up

Looks like a cover up operation.

Whistleblower Says At Least 45,000 Died From the Vaxx

The real number is certainly much higher than this.

CDC Admits Vaxxed People Can Transmit Infection

They have been forced to admit that the vaxx is useless.

CDC Says Vaxx is Ineffective

Vaxx doesn't work so get you gotta get endless booster shots.

Oregon: National Guard Deployed to Support Hospitals

Another sign of things collapsing around us.

Push to Ban Domestic Air Travel for Unvaxxed Begins

They are pushing forward with the slave grid.

Chicago Police Union Chief Tells Cops Not to Take Vaxx

The pushback against this vaxx mandate is getting stronger. Even Chicago cops are resisting it.

Jew CDC Head Announces Plan to Brainwash Unvaxxed People

This evil Jewish woman wants as many people as possible to die of these death shots.

Biden Regime Reportedly Wants to Close Another Oil Pipeline

They hate the American people and want you to die.