Saturday, May 18, 2024

UN to Investigate Racism in the United States

Systemic racism is a Jewish hoax.

Inflation Continues to Spiral Out of Control

The dollar is quickly becoming monopoly money.

Vaxxed Covidiots Developing Auto-Immune Disorders

There is no upside to taking these shots.

Confederate Monuments Torn Down in Charlottesville

History is being erased in the public square.

Arizona Election Audit is Still Not Done for Some Reason

This is bullshit. It's been going on for months.

Senile Joe Claims Unvaxxed Americans are a Health Risk

They want you sterilized or dead.

Wells Fargo Suspends Personal Lines of Credit

The banking system is running on fumes.

$10,500 Fine for Not Wearing a Mask on Plane

Air travel has become the most miserable experience imaginable.