Sunday, May 19, 2024

Crimea Bridge Repairs Fully Completed

How is this possible if Russia is losing the war?

Fed’s Interest Rate Hikes Not Slowing Inflation

It's all collapsing in real time.

Alex Jones Says the Government Wants to Seize His Cat

I stand with Alex Jones and his cat.

UN Demands Russia Withdraw From the Ukraine

There are several major countries that abstained from supporting this resolution.

Credit Card Debt Skyrocketing Among Millennials

Millennials never had a fair chance to establish themselves financially.

Jew Zelensky Says He’s Preparing Military Seizure of Crimea

I think the cocaine this Jew has been snorting has damaged his brain.

ZOG Shills Say Russia Preparing False Flag Attack on Transnistria

This is an insane theory that makes no sense.

Uranium Fire Breaks Out at Tennessee Plant

Uranium fires are not a good thing.

Trump and Musk Call Out Jew War Criminal Cunt Victoria Nuland

Fuck this fat Jew and her ugly fat Jew face.

Russia Warns US/NATO, and Ukraine over Transnistria

There are reports of the Ukrainians potentially preparing an attack on this region of Russian speakers.