Rudy Giuliani has been at the forefront of the Hunter Biden laptop situation and this has made a number of Jews very unhappy.

Sacha Baron Cohen the Jew who plays the character Borat, put out some allegedly embarrassing photos of Giuliani which are apparently from his upcoming Borat movie. One photo shows Giuliani in a compromising position with what he thought was a young Russian female reporter who had invited him to a hotel room. They are trying to claim that Giuliani is a some type of dirty old man because of this.

The video of the encounter hasn’t been released yet, but my guess is that the video shows this young Russian woman being sexually aggressive with Rudy which is what led to the photo.

Rudy has said that what’s being alleged is a fabrication.

Even if it isn’t a fabrication, who gives a shit?

To my knowledge, Rudy is divorced. So even if he was caught on video fucking the bitch from behind, how is that a problem? The real problem is with how he was secretly recorded.

What’s remarkable is how so many Jews are pushing this story.

It was the top story on the faggot kike Matt Drudge’s website.

You also have Jews all over Twitter pushing it.

The Jews have made this into a big story even though Jews engage in some of the most disgusting sexual depravity imaginable. The Jew Jeffrey Toobin who has been a mainstay on CNN, was just caught jerking off on a Zoom call with colleagues.

But sure, the Jews act like this is a big deal. It’s totally selective and meant to deflect from all the corruption that was exposed with the data found on Hunter Biden’s laptop.