Amy Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court just got approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee despite a Democrat boycott.

The Democrats even had the nerve to whine about the Republicans breaking rules and violating processes lol.

Some of their political allies staged some gay protest against Barrett where women dressed up from the television series Handmaid’s Tail.

What are these women even protesting? The fact that they might not be able to have unlimited abortions in all 50 states? Even if Barrett rules to overturn Roe v. Wade, it would simply push the abortion issue back to the states and each state would decide how to deal with the issue.

The Democrats are claiming that Barrett is too far out of the mainstream. But in what regard? The fact that she adopted some nigger kids and is a feminist who pursued a career instead of being a proper mother?

If that’s their argument, than I guess they have a point, but that’s not their argument. They’re basically claiming she is out of the mainstream because she doesn’t support unlimited abortions.

Whatever the case, it looks like she’ll be officially confirmed as soon as the full floor vote is held which will probably be in the next week or so.