It looks as if a black on black shooting has occurred in Seattle’s so-called autonomous zone. And I guess this zone which was called CHAZ is now called CHOP now?

There are apparently armed guards preventing police from entering the autonomous zone.

An article published by the New York Post detailed how there the autonomous zone looks like something out of a science fiction movie. There has reportedly been rape, arson, violence and death within the zone.

Seattle’s mayor is claiming that this armed insurrection is nothing to be concerned with. She’s actually claiming that this group is just a bunch of peace-loving hippies or something.

And I thought people like her were for gun control and gun safety. But that apparently only applies to normal law abiding citizens. If you are an anarchist, communist or member of an anti-fascist group you are allowed to roam around cities with AR-15s and not be harassed by police.

Either way, we’ll see what happens with this. The whole idea of an autonomous zone was a zone with no police because police are racist. But naturally if you have black people in the zone, you will eventually see them begin to kill each other if there are no police preventing them from engaging in violence.

The organizers of this insanity must realize that they can’t let police in, otherwise it destroys the whole concept they’re trying to promote which is to create zones of lawlessness in cities throughout the country. But suffice to say, it is reasonable to assume that this won’t be the last black that gets shot or killed inside this zone. This is going to be a challenge that they will have to overcome because using blacks as shields for their anarchy is a key part of their political strategy.