Russia despite its flaws as a country has not gone totally insane over the past few months. They actively punish media operations which do not have the best interests of the Russian people in mind.


Russian opposition-leaning radio station Echo Moskvy and its website editor have been fined the equivalent of $3,745 for posting the comments of a political analyst who questioned Russia’s coronavirus statistics.

The station’s chief editor Alexei Venediktov tweeted Friday that a Moscow court handed a $2,880 fine to the radio station and a $865 fine to its website editor Vitaly Ruvinsky “for publishing the statement of political analyst Valery Solovei,” adding that Echo Moskvy planned to appeal the ruling.

According to court filings, the fines were issued for “disseminating deliberate… misinformation” and “creating a threat to the life and (or) health of the people.”

If only this type of thing could be done here in the United States. We have literal fake news operations like CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times etc.. that are not punished for spreading lies and hoaxes to the American public. What they have done by promoting these endless hoaxes is criminal but they have not been held accountable under the guise that the hoaxes they are pushing somehow represent “free speech.”

Deliberately promoting hoaxes is not “free speech” as they claim. It is open subversion and what they are doing is not legitimate journalism. Legitimate journalism is about finding the truth regardless of what that truth is. All these operations do is push lies for the purposes of destroying the country and advancing Jewish Marxist doctrine.

But going back to Russia and the question of coronavirus statistics. I believe Russia’s coronavirus statistics are more accurate than what is being reported by the United States. That’s because we know for a fact that the American death numbers are wildly inflated.

Either way, the whole coronavirus situation has been an overhyped hoax designed to transform society and turn everything into some type of weird dystopia. Russia should not have gone a long with this bullshit as long as they did. It was a missed opportunity on their part. But it is good that they are going after people who are falsely claiming that this is a major crisis.